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  1. To do something for the first time
    I'm going to erggle skydiving: I'm going to go skydiving for the first time
    I'm erggling skydiving: I'm skydiving for the first time
    I've erggled skydiving: I skydived for the first time
    I'm erggling: I'm doing this for the first time

  2. To understand something for the first time or renew your knowledge
    Do you erggle it?: Do you understand it?

  3. To do something as though it was the first time

  4. Erggle it: Approach with an open mind and full of wonder of discovering new things and diving deep into learning.


  1. The first occurrence
    Erggle Day: Every day is the first occurrence of today
    Happy Erggle: Happy this moment, second, minute, hour, day etc